Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The book or the oven?

Way back in the day, I'm talking years ago, when I had a plant of my own, I tried a few different drying methods. I never really liked the idea of putting the leaves in a box and shaking every day for days on end. So, I tried 2 others. One is the book. Put the leaves in a nice big phone book and squish them flat. The upside to this is that you end up with beautiful green flat leaves that are dry in about 24 hours. The downside is if you have a lot of leaves, I imagine you could run into problems of needing many phone books. I never had many leaves to deal with.

The other method I tried was putting some leaves in the oven under low temps. I really don't remember the total specifics, but I'm going to guess around 200 degrees or maybe 150 for about an hour. It dries the leaves excellently and seems to make them way more potent. The other good thing is you could dry a lot of leaves in a relatively short amount of time. So, try drying one or 2 till you gage about how much and how long. I highly recommend it...

Monday, December 8, 2008

Driving on Salvia...

Of course a bad idea to even try, but 99 times out of 100 this is how it would go. I still wouldn't advise being anywhere near a car, just because strange things can happen on Salvia. Remind me to tell you some day.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Quiet Day...

There doesn't seem to be a lot going on in the Salvia world (as opposed to the Salvia World) today. I am considering giving this:

The Entheogenic Evolution

a listen. There is an interview with Daniel Siebert on there. Plus some other interesting looking things.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

This is how....

Some of the Salvia Divinorum laws get passed I guess, I never knew about this myself.


Monday, December 1, 2008

Doctor Says Salvia Not So Bad


I like this guy. Of course, as all my loyal fans know, I am not a big believer in the social use of Salvia, but I never wanted to take that away from anyone, not anyone over the consenting age anyway.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Well, imagine my surprise.....

I use the Google clipping service to, among other things, keep track of Salvia Divinorum references on the web. Well, imagine my surprise when I see my very own blog post in it. I suppose I shouldn't be that surprised, because it is a blog about Salvia and well, this is a Google blog site, but I rarely ever (if ever) show up there, because the search is actually for Salvia Divinorum and most of the time I reference it as Salvia.

The reason it showed up was because of that link I put into my last post. It used the whole term, Salvia Divinorum. I guess this one may show up too....

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Misinformation, Disinformation and Lies.

You know, I'm pro-child. Seriously. I like them, they are great little people, for the most part anyway. In fact, I am so pro-child, that I do not believe in taking away their future rights. Like say, this guy (group?) does.


This little article is so full of misinformation, disinformation or out right lies (you be the judge). Like this little Gem...

"For those of you who may not be familar(sic) with Salvia - you can smoke it, drink it, chew it, just about any form of digesting it will bring about the immediate hallucinogenic high."

Wow. First of all that's not even physically possible. Even if it were, it's not true, oh readers of my blog, you know the score on this. It's no where near that easy, not even for the extreme soft heads I don't believe and they are so rare that even if it is for them.......eh.

Here's one of my favorite lines though...

"Though I have not discovered anywhere that Salvia is said to be addictive, I believe it won't be too long before there is a very serious problem with this."

That's probably because of those Anti-Addictive properties that Salvia contains. No big surprise there.

Oh, but back to my point. The children. Should children or teens be doing Salvia? No! No! Absolutely not, I have said it before and I will say it again! NO!!!! However. That is no reason to curtail ANOTHER one of my rights, not to mention remove a right from these children when they do get old enough to make the informed decision about whether or not to try Salvia (I say try because most people try it once, don't like it and don't do it again.).

So, how about instead of a ban, I don't know, we restrict it to a certain age? Maybe 18, maybe 21? Whatever. I don't have a problem with that. I doubt most people (over the age mind you) who have a brain and use it occasionally would mind this. I may be asking too much of "The Watchful Eye" though.

Monday, November 24, 2008


I've decided to try to post here more often than I have been. That should not be too hard, even with minimal effort, but I am trying for m ore than minimal.

I haven't had (and by had I mean used, I have some) Salvia in a while. Sage Singer and I are going to get together, one of these days, and Skype a Besagement. I look forward to it as I do all Besagements, with joy and trepidation, especially since I won't have a physical sitter. I for the most part don't need one though.

no interesting news to comment on Salvia today, so perhaps tomorrow.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Reefer..er, um...Salvia Madness!

Looking about me and seeing all that's going on around the country (and the world for that matter). I must say that I do believe I have seen all this before. It's Reefer Madness all over again, just with a new plant. This must be stopped. Seriously, what's next? Nutmeg? You can seriously get a good buzz going off of that. Maybe I shouldn't say that too loud, The spice police might raid my kitchen....

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Best Article Ever

Ok, so I probably exaggerate, but it's awesome, they actually didn't just toe the governmental line about blah blah blah, all non-alcoholic mind affecting things are evil.


Clipped from article....

"We hold the research being done by all the exemplary psychedelic experimenters at YouTube in as high regard as anyone, but we asked Sak if he could produce any literature produced by actual, you know, scientists with medical degrees and things like that. Sak, saying he didn't have any peer-reviewed literature to share with us, suggested we find some on our own."